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  • 2020牛客多校第八场I题 Interesting Computer Game(并查集+判环)

    题意:给出n对元组<a, b>每次可以选择a或者b或者不选,问最多可以选择出多少种不同的数字。n<1e5, a,b<1e9


    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
    #define IO_read ios::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(0)
    #define fre freopen("C:\in.txt", "r", stdin)
    #define _for(i,a,b) for(int i=a; i< b; i++)
    #define _rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a; i<=b; i++)
    #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
    #define lowbit(a) ((a)&-(a))
    using namespace std;
    typedef long long ll;
    template <class T>
    void read(T &x)
        char c; bool op=0;
        while(c=getchar(), c<'0'||c>'9') if(c=='-') op=1;
        while(c=getchar(), c>='0'&&c<='9') x=x*10+c-'0';
        if(op) x=-x;
    const int maxn=2e5+5;  //段错误一次
    int T, n, kase, a[maxn], b[maxn], c[maxn];
    int fa[maxn], having[maxn], sz[maxn];
    int find_fa(int x)
        if(fa[x]==x) return x;
        return fa[x]=find_fa(fa[x]);
    int main()
            //_rep(i, 1, n) fa[i]=i, sz[i]=1, having[i]=0; WA了一次
            _rep(i, 1, n) read(a[i]), read(b[i]), c[2*i-1]=a[i], c[2*i]=b[i];
            sort(c+1, c+1+2*n);
            int cnt=unique(c+1, c+1+2*n)-c-1;
            _rep(i, 1, cnt) fa[i]=i, sz[i]=1, having[i]=0; 
            _rep(i, 1, n){
                a[i]=lower_bound(c+1, c+1+cnt, a[i])-c;
                b[i]=lower_bound(c+1, c+1+cnt, b[i])-c;
            _rep(i, 1, n){
                int f1=find_fa(a[i]), f2=find_fa(b[i]);
                    fa[f2]=f1, sz[f1]+=sz[f2];
                    if(having[f2]) having[f1]=1; //这里漏写了
            int ans=0;
            _rep(i, 1, cnt)
                if(find_fa(i)==i) ans+=sz[i]-1+having[i];
            printf("Case #%d: %d
    ", ++kase, ans);
        return 0;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Yokel062/p/13433046.html
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