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  • 代码注释示例

    /** @brief Blurs an image using a Gaussian filter.
    The function convolves the source image with the specified Gaussian kernel. In-place filtering is
    @param src input image; the image can have any number of channels, which are processed
    independently, but the depth should be CV_8U, CV_16U, CV_16S, CV_32F or CV_64F.
    @param dst output image of the same size and type as src.
    @param ksize Gaussian kernel size. ksize.width and ksize.height can differ but they both must be
    positive and odd. Or, they can be zero's and then they are computed from sigma.
    @param sigmaX Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction.
    @param sigmaY Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction; if sigmaY is zero, it is set to be
    equal to sigmaX, if both sigmas are zeros, they are computed from ksize.width and ksize.height,
    respectively (see #getGaussianKernel for details); to fully control the result regardless of
    possible future modifications of all this semantics, it is recommended to specify all of ksize,
    sigmaX, and sigmaY.
    @param borderType pixel extrapolation method, see #BorderTypes
    @sa  sepFilter2D, filter2D, blur, boxFilter, bilateralFilter, medianBlur
    CV_EXPORTS_W void GaussianBlur( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size ksize,
                                    double sigmaX, double sigmaY = 0,
                                    int borderType = BORDER_DEFAULT );
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/luoyinjie/p/12240714.html
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