zoukankan      html  css  js  c++  java
  • 爬虫小练

     1 def step():
     2     try:
     3         headers = {
     4            。。。。。
     5             }
     6         r = requests.get(url,headers,timeout=30)
     7         html = r.content
     8         soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml")
     9         url = soup.find_all(正则表达式)
    10         for i in url:
    11             url2 =  i.find_all('a')
    12             for j in url2:
    13                  step1url =url + j['href']
    14                  print step1url
    15                  step2(step1url)
    16     except Exception,e:
    17         print e
     1 def step2(step1url):
     2     try:
     3         headers = {
     4            。。。。
     5             }
     6         r = requests.get(step1url,headers,timeout=30)
     7         html = r.content
     8         soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml")
     9         a = soup.find('div',id='divTbl')
    10         if a:
    11             url = soup.find_all('td',class_='S-ITabs')
    12             for i in url:
    13                 classifyurl =  i.find_all('a')
    14                 for j in classifyurl:
    15                      step2url = url + j['href']
    16                      #print step2url
    17                      step3(step2url)
    18         else:
    19             postdata(step1url)
     1 def producturl(url):
     2     try:
     3         p1url = doc.xpath(正则表达式)
     4         for i in xrange(1,len(p1url) + 1):
     5             p2url = doc.xpath(正则表达式)
     6             if len(p2url) > 0:
     7                 producturl = url + p2url[0].get('href')
     8                 count = db[table].find({'url':producturl}).count()
     9                 if count <= 0:
    10                         sn = getNewsn()
    11                         db[table].insert({"sn":sn,"url":producturl})
    12                         print str(sn) + 'inserted successfully'
    13                 else:
    14                         'url exist'
    16     except Exception,e:
    17         print e
     1 def parser(sn,url):
     2     try:
     3         headers = {
     4             。。。。。。
     5             }
     6         r = requests.get(url, headers=headers,timeout=30)
     7         html = r.content
     8         soup = BeautifulSoup(html,"lxml")
     9         dt = {}
    10         #partno
    11         a = soup.find("meta",itemprop="mpn")
    12         if a:
    13             dt['partno'] = a['content']
    14         #manufacturer
    15         b = soup.find("meta",itemprop="manufacturer")
    16         if b:
    17             dt['manufacturer'] = b['content']
    18         #description
    19         c = soup.find("span",itemprop="description")
    20         if c:
    21             dt['description'] = c.get_text().strip()
    22         #price
    23         price = soup.find("table",class_="table table-condensed occalc_pa_table")
    24         if price:
    25             cost = {}
    26             for i in price.find_all('tr'):
    27                 if len(i) > 1:
    28                     td = i.find_all('td')
    29                     key=td[0].get_text().strip().replace(',','')
    30                     val=td[1].get_text().replace(u'u20ac','').strip()
    31                     if key and val:
    32                         cost[key] = val
    33             if cost:
    34                 dt['cost'] = cost
    35                 dt['currency'] = 'EUR'
    37         #quantity
    38         d = soup.find("input",id="ItemQuantity")
    39         if d:
    40            dt['quantity'] = d['value']
    41         #specs
    42         e = soup.find("div",class_="row parameter-container")
    43         if e:
    44             key1 = []
    45             val1= []
    46             for k in e.find_all('dt'):
    47                 key =  k.get_text().strip().strip('.')
    48                 if key:
    49                     key1.append(key)
    50             for i in e.find_all('dd'):
    51                 val =  i.get_text().strip()
    52                 if val:
    53                     val1.append(val)
    54             specs = dict(zip(key1,val1))
    55         if specs:
    56             dt['specs'] = specs
    57             print dt
    60         if dt:
    61             db[table].update({'sn':sn},{'$set':dt})
    62             print str(sn) +  ' insert successfully'
    63             time.sleep(3)
    64         else:
    65             error(str(sn) + '	' + url)
    66     except Exception,e:
    67         error(str(sn) + '	' + url)
    68         print "Don't data!"


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/pyxiaomangshe/p/7728556.html
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