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  • py-faster-rcnn:在windows上配置





    git clone --recursive https://github.com/rbgishick/py-faster-rcnn.git



    # --------------------------------------------------------
    # Fast R-CNN
    # Copyright (c) 2015 Microsoft
    # Licensed under The MIT License [see LICENSE for details]
    # Written by Ross Girshick
    # --------------------------------------------------------
    import numpy as np
    import os
    from os.path import join as pjoin
    #from distutils.core import setup
    from setuptools import setup
    from distutils.extension import Extension
    from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
    import subprocess
    #change for windows, by MrX
    nvcc_bin = 'nvcc.exe'
    lib_dir = 'lib/x64'
    def find_in_path(name, path):
        "Find a file in a search path"
        # Adapted fom
        # http://code.activestate.com/recipes/52224-find-a-file-given-a-search-path/
        for dir in path.split(os.pathsep):
            binpath = pjoin(dir, name)
            if os.path.exists(binpath):
                return os.path.abspath(binpath)
        return None
    def locate_cuda():
        """Locate the CUDA environment on the system
        Returns a dict with keys 'home', 'nvcc', 'include', and 'lib64'
        and values giving the absolute path to each directory.
        Starts by looking for the CUDAHOME env variable. If not found, everything
        is based on finding 'nvcc' in the PATH.
        # first check if the CUDAHOME env variable is in use
        if 'CUDA_PATH' in os.environ:
            home = os.environ['CUDA_PATH']
            print("home = %s
    " % home)
            nvcc = pjoin(home, 'bin', nvcc_bin)
            # otherwise, search the PATH for NVCC
            default_path = pjoin(os.sep, 'usr', 'local', 'cuda', 'bin')
            nvcc = find_in_path(nvcc_bin, os.environ['PATH'] + os.pathsep + default_path)
            if nvcc is None:
                raise EnvironmentError('The nvcc binary could not be '
                    'located in your $PATH. Either add it to your path, or set $CUDA_PATH')
            home = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(nvcc))
            print("home = %s, nvcc = %s
    " % (home, nvcc))
        cudaconfig = {'home':home, 'nvcc':nvcc,
                      'include': pjoin(home, 'include'),
                      'lib64': pjoin(home, lib_dir)}
        for k, v in cudaconfig.iteritems():
            if not os.path.exists(v):
                raise EnvironmentError('The CUDA %s path could not be located in %s' % (k, v))
        return cudaconfig
    CUDA = locate_cuda()
    # Obtain the numpy include directory.  This logic works across numpy versions.
        numpy_include = np.get_include()
    except AttributeError:
        numpy_include = np.get_numpy_include()
    def customize_compiler_for_nvcc(self):
        """inject deep into distutils to customize how the dispatch
        to cl/nvcc works.
        If you subclass UnixCCompiler, it's not trivial to get your subclass
        injected in, and still have the right customizations (i.e.
        distutils.sysconfig.customize_compiler) run on it. So instead of going
        the OO route, I have this. Note, it's kindof like a wierd functional
        subclassing going on."""
        # tell the compiler it can processes .cu
        # save references to the default compiler_so and _comple methods
        #default_compiler_so = self.spawn 
        #default_compiler_so = self.rc
        super = self.compile
        # now redefine the _compile method. This gets executed for each
        # object but distutils doesn't have the ability to change compilers
        # based on source extension: we add it.
        def compile(sources, output_dir=None, macros=None, include_dirs=None, debug=0, extra_preargs=None, extra_postargs=None, depends=None):
            if postfix == '.cu':
                # use the cuda for .cu files
                #self.set_executable('compiler_so', CUDA['nvcc'])
                # use only a subset of the extra_postargs, which are 1-1 translated
                # from the extra_compile_args in the Extension class
                postargs = extra_postargs['nvcc']
                postargs = extra_postargs['cl']
            return super(sources, output_dir, macros, include_dirs, debug, extra_preargs, postargs, depends)
            # reset the default compiler_so, which we might have changed for cuda
            #self.rc = default_compiler_so
        # inject our redefined _compile method into the class
        self.compile = compile
    # run the customize_compiler
    class custom_build_ext(build_ext):
        def build_extensions(self):
    ext_modules = [
        # unix _compile: obj, src, ext, cc_args, extra_postargs, pp_opts
            #extra_compile_args={'cl': ['/link', '/DLL', '/OUT:cython_bbox.dll']},
            #extra_compile_args={'cl': ['/LD']},
            extra_compile_args={'cl': []},
            include_dirs = [numpy_include]
            extra_compile_args={'cl': []},
            include_dirs = [numpy_include],
            sources=['pycocotools\maskApi.c', 'pycocotools\_mask.pyx'],
            include_dirs = [numpy_include, 'pycocotools'],
            extra_compile_args={'cl': []},
        #Extension(   # just used to get nmsgpu_nms.obj
        #    "nms.gpu_nms",
        #    sources=['nms\gpu_nms.pyx'],
        #    language='c++',
        #    extra_compile_args={'cl': []},
        #    include_dirs = [numpy_include]
        # inject our custom trigger
        cmdclass={'build_ext': custom_build_ext},


    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import numpy as np
    import os
    # on Windows, we need the original PATH without Anaconda's compiler in it:
    PATH = os.environ.get('PATH')
    from distutils.spawn import spawn, find_executable
    from setuptools import setup, find_packages, Extension
    from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext
    import sys
    # CUDA specific config
    # nvcc is assumed to be in user's PATH
    nvcc_compile_args = ['-O', '--ptxas-options=-v', '-arch=sm_35', '-c', '--compiler-options=-fPIC']
    nvcc_compile_args = os.environ.get('NVCCFLAGS', '').split() + nvcc_compile_args
    cuda_libs = ['cublas']
    # Obtain the numpy include directory.  This logic works across numpy versions.
        numpy_include = np.get_include()
    except AttributeError:
        numpy_include = np.get_numpy_include()
    cudamat_ext = Extension('nms.gpu_nms',
                            include_dirs = [numpy_include, 'C:\Programming\CUDA\v7.5\include'])
    class CUDA_build_ext(build_ext):
        Custom build_ext command that compiles CUDA files.
        Note that all extension source files will be processed with this compiler.
        def build_extensions(self):
            self.compiler.set_executable('compiler_so', 'nvcc')
            self.compiler.set_executable('linker_so', 'nvcc --shared')
            if hasattr(self.compiler, '_c_extensions'):
                self.compiler._c_extensions.append('.cu')  # needed for Windows
            self.compiler.spawn = self.spawn
        def spawn(self, cmd, search_path=1, verbose=0, dry_run=0):
            Perform any CUDA specific customizations before actually launching
            compile/link etc. commands.
            if (sys.platform == 'darwin' and len(cmd) >= 2 and cmd[0] == 'nvcc' and
                    cmd[1] == '--shared' and cmd.count('-arch') > 0):
                # Versions of distutils on OSX earlier than 2.7.9 inject
                # '-arch x86_64' which we need to strip while using nvcc for
                # linking
                while True:
                        index = cmd.index('-arch')
                        del cmd[index:index+2]
                    except ValueError:
            elif self.compiler.compiler_type == 'msvc':
                # There are several things we need to do to change the commands
                # issued by MSVCCompiler into one that works with nvcc. In the end,
                # it might have been easier to write our own CCompiler class for
                # nvcc, as we're only interested in creating a shared library to
                # load with ctypes, not in creating an importable Python extension.
                # - First, we replace the cl.exe or link.exe call with an nvcc
                #   call. In case we're running Anaconda, we search cl.exe in the
                #   original search path we captured further above -- Anaconda
                #   inserts a MSVC version into PATH that is too old for nvcc.
                cmd[:1] = ['nvcc', '--compiler-bindir',
                           os.path.dirname(find_executable("cl.exe", PATH))
                           or cmd[0]]
                # - Secondly, we fix a bunch of command line arguments.
                for idx, c in enumerate(cmd):
                    # create .dll instead of .pyd files
                    #if '.pyd' in c: cmd[idx] = c = c.replace('.pyd', '.dll')  #20160601, by MrX
                    # replace /c by -c
                    if c == '/c': cmd[idx] = '-c'
                    # replace /DLL by --shared
                    elif c == '/DLL': cmd[idx] = '--shared'
                    # remove --compiler-options=-fPIC
                    elif '-fPIC' in c: del cmd[idx]
                    # replace /Tc... by ...
                    elif c.startswith('/Tc'): cmd[idx] = c[3:]
                    # replace /Fo... by -o ...
                    elif c.startswith('/Fo'): cmd[idx:idx+1] = ['-o', c[3:]]
                    # replace /LIBPATH:... by -L...
                    elif c.startswith('/LIBPATH:'): cmd[idx] = '-L' + c[9:]
                    # replace /OUT:... by -o ...
                    elif c.startswith('/OUT:'): cmd[idx:idx+1] = ['-o', c[5:]]
                    # remove /EXPORT:initlibcudamat or /EXPORT:initlibcudalearn
                    elif c.startswith('/EXPORT:'): del cmd[idx]
                    # replace cublas.lib by -lcublas
                    elif c == 'cublas.lib': cmd[idx] = '-lcublas'
                # - Finally, we pass on all arguments starting with a '/' to the
                #   compiler or linker, and have nvcc handle all other arguments
                if '--shared' in cmd:
                    pass_on = '--linker-options='
                    # we only need MSVCRT for a .dll, remove CMT if it sneaks in:
                    pass_on = '--compiler-options='
                cmd = ([c for c in cmd if c[0] != '/'] +
                       [pass_on + ','.join(c for c in cmd if c[0] == '/')])
                # For the future: Apart from the wrongly set PATH by Anaconda, it
                # would suffice to run the following for compilation on Windows:
                # nvcc -c -O -o <file>.obj <file>.cu
                # And the following for linking:
                # nvcc --shared -o <file>.dll <file1>.obj <file2>.obj -lcublas
                # This could be done by a NVCCCompiler class for all platforms.
            spawn(cmd, search_path, verbose, dry_run)
          description="Performs linear algebra computation on the GPU via CUDA",
          cmdclass={'build_ext': CUDA_build_ext},


    python setup.py install
    python setup_cuda.py install

    如果提示Microsoft Visual C++ 9.0 is required ...,在CMD中输入以下命令:

    SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS110COMNTOOLS% (如果电脑中装的是vs2012)
    SET VS90COMNTOOLS=%VS120COMNTOOLS% (如果电脑中装的是vs2013)

    然后最后出现Finished processing ...就编译成功了。


    之前已经安装了caffe的windows版,然后要编译pycaffe,打开buildVS2013下的工程,在pycaffe的属性中的预编译器中添加 WITH_PYTHON_LAYER,这样才会有Python类型的layer可以用







    python demo.py



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/whlook/p/6974174.html
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