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  • Online DDL工具的安装与使用

       最近经常在线上经常遇到有性能问题的SQL,有些表没有合理添加索引,有些表添加的索引不合理,各种各样的问题,导致SQL的执行效率不高。这时DBA们不得不重构SQL,使其达到最好的性能,这时我们往往要在线添加或者删除索引、字段等等的操作。如果是MySQL 5.5的版本在DDL方面是要付出代价的,虽然已经有了Fast index Creation,但是在添加字段还是会锁表的,而且在添加删除辅助索引是会加S锁,也就是无法进行写操作。所以,这里就有相关工具的出现,那就是pt-online-schema-change和oak-online-alter-table,都实现了Online DDL,但是每个工具都有相应自己的限制。如果是MySQL5.6以及更高的版本,已经开始支持Online DDL,我们下面的研究,针对MySQL5.6之前的版本。

    主要介绍两个工具:oak-online-alter-table & pt-online-schema-change


    openark工具包是一组用于MySQL的实用工具,该工具集解决日常维护任务,这些工作比较复杂和耗时。其中oak-online-alter-table就是该工具集中的一个工具,该工具执行非阻塞ALTER TABLE的操作。当然还有其他的工具,有关openark工具说明可以参考http://code.openark.org/forge/openark-kit


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# yum install python-mysqldb MySQL-python -y


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# wget https://openarkkit.googlecode.com/files/openark-kit-196-1.noarch.rpm


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# rpm -ivh openark-kit-196-1.noarch.rpm 
    Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
       1:openark-kit            ########################################### [100%]
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 


    1、一个非阻塞ALTER TABLE操作,以下几种情况都是支持的

       1)添加列 (新列必须有一个默认值)

       2)删除列 (旧表必须有一个单列的唯一索引)

       3)修改列 (改变字段类型,包括唯一键的列)

       4)添加索引 (普通索引,唯一索引,全文索引)


       6) 修改表引擎:当处理非事务性引擎应该格外注意



       1)对原始表ALTER TABLE操作


       3)使用LOAD DATA INFILE向原始表导入数据

       4)对原始表OPTIMIZE TABLE操作


    1、在该表上面至少有一个单列的UNIQUE KEY



    4、应该没有外键约束(FOREIGN KEY)



    该工具运行时,它允许INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,REPLACE原始表,但是不允许TRUNCATE,ALTER,REPAIR OPTIMIZE或者其他方式对原表进行操作。该工具适用于InnoDB表,MyISAM表,或以其他任何表级锁的存储引擎(MEMORY, ARCHIVE)。该工具工作原理是创建一个镜像表的同时,它慢慢与原始表同步。直到同步完成,要做到这一点,该工具必须在原始表创建AFTER INSERT, AFTER UPDATE, AFTER DELETE触发器。镜像表与原始表同步发生在几个步骤。在这些步骤中,数据被从原始表复制到镜像表。这是以行块进行,这个大小是可以用chunk-size选项配置的。当一个块被复制,在(MyISAM,ARCHIVE,MEMORY)存储引擎上有读锁,或包含在该块上面的行记录(innodb),较小的块——更快的锁被移除,允许更大的并发性。对于写密集型应用,它可能是可取的,允许对块之间的停顿,以使尽可能减少影响。这可以使用sleep-ratio选项进行配置。而块之间停顿时没有被加锁。即便如此,对性能的影响是在运行应用程序时,这是由于触发器被添加到表上和DML语句在向镜像表同步。它需要有足够的磁盘空间来容纳改变的表(如一个正常的ALTER TABLE)。在操作完成时才出现磁盘空间恢复(取决于你的存储引擎和配置)。



    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock --table=sakila.film --alter="ADD COLUMN name VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT ''"
    -- Connecting to MySQL
    -- Table sakila.film is of engine innodb
    -- ERROR: Errors found. Initiating cleanup
    -- Tables unlocked
    -- ERROR: Table must not have any 'AFTER' triggers defined.
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock --table=sakila.actor --alter="ADD COLUMN name VARCHAR(64) DEFAULT ''"      
    -- Connecting to MySQL
    -- Table sakila.actor is of engine innodb
    -- ERROR: Errors found. Initiating cleanup
    -- Tables unlocked
    -- ERROR: Table must not have any foreign keys defined (neither as parent nor child).

    提示了有外键约束,无论是父表还是子表 ,如果有外键的话,都是不允许添加字段的。


    mysql> show create table t1G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
           Table: t1
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t1` (
      `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `name` char(20) DEFAULT NULL
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock --table=sakila.t1 --alter="ADD KEY(name)"   
    -- Connecting to MySQL
    -- Table sakila.t1 is of engine innodb
    -- Checking for UNIQUE columns on sakila.t1, by which to chunk
    -- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in sakila.t1:
    -- ERROR: Errors found. Initiating cleanup
    -- Tables unlocked
    -- ERROR: Table must have a UNIQUE KEY on a single column
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 


    mysql> alter table t1 add unique key (id); 
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock --table=sakila.t1 --alter="ADD KEY(name)"
    -- Connecting to MySQL
    -- Table sakila.t1 is of engine innodb
    -- Checking for UNIQUE columns on sakila.t1, by which to chunk
    -- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in sakila.t1:
    -- - id
    -- Table sakila.__oak_t1 has been created
    -- Table sakila.__oak_t1 has been altered
    -- Checking for UNIQUE columns on sakila.__oak_t1, by which to chunk
    -- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in sakila.__oak_t1:
    -- - id
    -- Checking for UNIQUE columns on sakila.t1, by which to chunk
    -- - Found following possible unique keys:
    -- - id (int)
    -- Chosen unique key is 'id'
    -- Shared columns: id, name
    -- Created AD trigger
    -- Created AU trigger
    -- Created AI trigger
    -- Attempting to lock tables
    -- Tables locked WRITE
    /usr/local/bin/oak-online-alter-table:84: Warning: No data - zero rows fetched, selected, or processed
      num_affected_rows = cursor.execute(query)
    -- id (min, max) values: ([None], [None])
    -- Tables unlocked
    -- Table sakila.t1 has been renamed to sakila.__arc_t1,
    -- and table sakila.__oak_t1 has been renamed to sakila.t1
    -- Table sakila.__arc_t1 was found and dropped
    -- ALTER TABLE completed
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 


    mysql> show create table t1G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
           Table: t1
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `t1` (
      `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `name` char(20) DEFAULT NULL,
      UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`),
      KEY `name` (`name`)
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

     在添加字段时如果设置了NOT NULL,但没有给默认值,也会报警告

    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock --table=sakila.t1 --alter="ADD COLUMN sex VARCHAR(64) not null"          
    -- Connecting to MySQL
    -- Table sakila.t1 is of engine innodb
    -- Checking for UNIQUE columns on sakila.t1, by which to chunk
    -- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in sakila.t1:
    -- - id
    -- Table sakila.__oak_t1 has been created
    -- Table sakila.__oak_t1 has been altered
    -- Checking for UNIQUE columns on sakila.__oak_t1, by which to chunk
    -- Possible UNIQUE KEY column names in sakila.__oak_t1:
    -- - id
    -- Checking for UNIQUE columns on sakila.t1, by which to chunk
    -- - Found following possible unique keys:
    -- - id (int)
    -- Chosen unique key is 'id'
    -- Shared columns: salarey, id, name
    -- Created AD trigger
    -- Created AU trigger
    -- Created AI trigger
    -- Attempting to lock tables
    -- Tables locked WRITE
    -- id (min, max) values: ([1L], [1L])
    -- Tables unlocked
    -- - Reminder: altering sakila.t1: ADD COLUMN sex VARCHAR(64) not...
    -- Copying range (1), (1), progress: 100%
    /usr/local/bin/oak-online-alter-table:84: Warning: Field 'sex' doesn't have a default value
      num_affected_rows = cursor.execute(query)
    -- Copying range 100% complete. Number of rows: 1
    -- - Reminder: altering sakila.t1: ADD COLUMN sex VARCHAR(64) not...
    -- Deleting range (1), (1), progress: 100%
    -- Deleting range 100% complete. Number of rows: 0
    -- Table sakila.t1 has been renamed to sakila.__arc_t1,
    -- and table sakila.__oak_t1 has been renamed to sakila.t1
    -- Table sakila.__arc_t1 was found and dropped
    -- ALTER TABLE completed
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 
    mysql> desc t1;
    | Field   | Type        | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
    | id      | int(11)     | YES  | UNI | NULL    |       |
    | name    | char(20)    | YES  | MUL | NULL    |       |
    | sex     | varchar(64) | NO   |     | NULL    |       |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)




    mysql> show processlist;
    | Id | User | Host      | db         | Command | Time | State                           | Info                                                       |
    | 25 | root | localhost | distribute | Query   |   53 | copy to tmp table               | alter table test1 add  age int(3)                          |
    | 26 | root | localhost | distribute | Query   |   28 | Waiting for table metadata lock | insert into test1(name,code) values ('xuanhi','aa102') |
    | 29 | root | localhost | distribute | Query   |    0 | NULL                            | show processlist                                           |
    3 rows in set (0.00 sec)






    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock --table=distribute.test1 --alter="ADD COLUMN address VARCHAR(64)"
    -- Deleting range (6999930), (7000930), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7000930), (7001930), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7001930), (7003029), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7003029), (7004073), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7004073), (7005073), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7005073), (7006073), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7006073), (7007898), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7007898), (7009605), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7009605), (7011189), progress: 99%
    -- - Reminder: altering distribute.test1: ADD COLUMN address VARCHAR(64)...
    -- Deleting range (7011189), (7012194), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7012194), (7013286), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7013286), (7014146), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7014146), (7014146), progress: 100%
    -- Deleting range 100% complete. Number of rows: 0
    -- Table distribute.test1 has been renamed to distribute.__arc_test1,
    -- and table distribute.__oak_test1 has been renamed to distribute.test1
    -- Table distribute.__arc_test1 was found and dropped
    -- ALTER TABLE completed


    mysql> delete from test1 where name="xuanhi4";
    Query OK, 1 row affected (2.69 sec)
    mysql> insert into test1(name,code) values ('xuanhi4','aa1333');
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)
    mysql> select * from test1 where code='aa1333';
    | id      | name    | code   |
    | 7014150 | xuanhi4 | aa1333 |
    1 row in set (1.12 sec)
    mysql> update test1 set name="xuanhi5"  where id=7014150;
    Query OK, 1 row affected (0.11 sec)
    Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0




    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# oak-online-alter-table -uroot -p123456 -S /data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock --table=distribute.test1 --alter="ADD KEY (name,age)"
    -- Deleting range (7004073), (7005073), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7005073), (7006073), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7006073), (7007898), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7007898), (7009605), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7009605), (7011189), progress: 99%
    -- - Reminder: altering distribute.test1: ADD KEY (name,age)...
    -- Deleting range (7011189), (7012194), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7012194), (7013286), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7013286), (7014151), progress: 99%
    -- Deleting range (7014151), (7014151), progress: 100%
    -- Deleting range 100% complete. Number of rows: 0
    -- Table distribute.test1 has been renamed to distribute.__arc_test1,
    -- and table distribute.__oak_test1 has been renamed to distribute.test1
    -- Table distribute.__arc_test1 was found and dropped
    -- ALTER TABLE completed

     show processlist 查看是否有锁表:

    mysql> show processlist;
    | Id | User | Host      | db         | Command | Time | State        | Info                                                                                                 |
    | 25 | root | localhost | distribute | Sleep   |  544 |              | NULL                                                                                                 |
    | 26 | root | localhost | distribute | Query   |    1 | NULL         | show processlist                                                                                     |
    | 29 | root | localhost | distribute | Sleep   | 1260 |              | NULL                                                                                                 |
    | 31 | root | localhost | distribute | Query   |    1 | Sending data | INSERT IGNORE INTO distribute.__oak_test1 (`age`, `code`, `id`, `name`, `address`)
                (SELE |
    4 rows in set (0.45 sec)

    可以看到使用工具在线添加索引和字段都不会锁表,有兴趣的朋友,可以测试删除字段和索引的,其实一样的,我这里就不测试了。mysql5.6虽然支持了Online DDL,但mysql 5.6 Online DDL的时候测试过如果在执行alter table之前已经有一个慢查询或者结果集比较大的查询,那么此时执行ALTER TABLE是会导致锁表的,用oak-online-alter-table也是一样的要等待锁的释放,本人已经测试过。(mysql5.6 online ddl的博客下次有空会补上)

    mysql> show processlist;
    | Id | User | Host      | db         | Command | Time | State                           | Info                                                                                                 |
    | 25 | root | localhost | distribute | Query   |    0 | NULL                            | show processlist                                                                                     |
    | 26 | root | localhost | distribute | Sleep   |  961 |                                 | NULL                                                                                                 |
    | 29 | root | localhost | distribute | Query   |   19 | Sending data                    | select * from test1                                                                                  |
    | 32 | root | localhost | distribute | Query   |    6 | Waiting for table metadata lock | CREATE TRIGGER distribute.test1_AD_oak AFTER DELETE ON distribute.test1
            FOR EACH ROW
    4 rows in set (0.25 sec)






    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# yum install perl-IO-Socket-SSL perl-DBD-MySQL perl-Time-HiRes -y


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# wget http://www.percona.com/downloads/percona-toolkit/LATEST/RPM/percona-toolkit-2.2.8-1.noarch.rpm


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# rpm -ivh percona-toolkit-2.2.8-1.noarch.rpm 
    warning: percona-toolkit-2.2.8-1.noarch.rpm: Header V4 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID cd2efd2a: NOKEY
    Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
       1:percona-toolkit        ########################################### [100%]
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 











    (2)增加的字段如果为NOT NULL,会报错,需要添加默认值才可以成功。



    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# pt-online-schema-change 
    Usage: pt-online-schema-change [OPTIONS] DSN


    mysql> show create table test2G
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
           Table: test2
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `test2` (
      `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
      `age` int(11) DEFAULT NULL
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# pt-online-schema-change --alter="add column name char(20)" --user=root --password=123456 --socket=/data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock  D=sakila,t=test2 --execute
    No slaves found.  See --recursion-method if host redis-master has slaves.
    Not checking slave lag because no slaves were found and --check-slave-lag was not specified.
    Operation, tries, wait:
      copy_rows, 10, 0.25
      create_triggers, 10, 1
      drop_triggers, 10, 1
      swap_tables, 10, 1
      update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
    Altering `sakila`.`test2`...
    Creating new table...
    Created new table sakila._test2_new OK.
    Altering new table...
    Altered `sakila`.`_test2_new` OK.
    2015-05-27T22:48:07 Dropping new table...
    2015-05-27T22:48:07 Dropped new table OK.
    `sakila`.`test2` was not altered.
    The new table `sakila`.`_test2_new` does not have a PRIMARY KEY or a unique index which is required for the DELETE trigger.
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 


    mysql> alter table test2 add primary key (id);
    Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
    Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# pt-online-schema-change --alter="add column name char(20)" --user=root --password=123456 --socket=/data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock  D=sakila,t=test2 --execute
    No slaves found.  See --recursion-method if host redis-master has slaves.
    Not checking slave lag because no slaves were found and --check-slave-lag was not specified.
    Operation, tries, wait:
      copy_rows, 10, 0.25
      create_triggers, 10, 1
      drop_triggers, 10, 1
      swap_tables, 10, 1
      update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
    Altering `sakila`.`test2`...
    Creating new table...
    Created new table sakila._test2_new OK.
    Altering new table...
    Altered `sakila`.`_test2_new` OK.
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Creating triggers...
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Created triggers OK.
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Copying approximately 1 rows...
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Copied rows OK.
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Swapping tables...
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Swapped original and new tables OK.
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Dropping old table...
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Dropped old table `sakila`.`_test2_old` OK.
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Dropping triggers...
    2015-05-27T22:51:54 Dropped triggers OK.
    Successfully altered `sakila`.`test2`.
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 

    可以看到添加了主键后,就成功添加了。但是设置NOT NULL,但是不给默认值,看看神马情况

    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# pt-online-schema-change --alter="add column last_name char(20) not null" --user=root --password=123456 --socket=/data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock  D=sakila,t=test2 --execute   
    No slaves found.  See --recursion-method if host redis-master has slaves.
    Not checking slave lag because no slaves were found and --check-slave-lag was not specified.
    Operation, tries, wait:
      copy_rows, 10, 0.25
      create_triggers, 10, 1
      drop_triggers, 10, 1
      swap_tables, 10, 1
      update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
    Altering `sakila`.`test2`...
    Creating new table...
    Created new table sakila._test2_new OK.
    Altering new table...
    Altered `sakila`.`_test2_new` OK.
    2015-05-27T23:00:36 Creating triggers...
    2015-05-27T23:00:36 Created triggers OK.
    2015-05-27T23:00:36 Copying approximately 1 rows...
    2015-05-27T23:00:36 Dropping triggers...
    2015-05-27T23:00:36 Dropped triggers OK.
    2015-05-27T23:00:36 Dropping new table...
    2015-05-27T23:00:36 Dropped new table OK.
    `sakila`.`test2` was not altered.
    2015-05-27T23:00:36 Error copying rows from `sakila`.`test2` to `sakila`.`_test2_new`: 2015-05-27T23:00:36 Copying rows caused a MySQL error 1364:
        Level: Warning
         Code: 1364
      Message: Field 'last_name' doesn't have a default value
        Query: INSERT LOW_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO `sakila`.`_test2_new` (`id`, `age`, `name`) SELECT `id`, `age`, `name` FROM `sakila`.`test2` LOCK IN SHARE MODE /*pt-online-schema-change 4369 copy table*/
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# pt-online-schema-change --alter="add column last_name char(20) not null default 'xuanzhi'" --user=root --password=123456 --socket=/data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock  D=sakila,t=test2 --execute  
    No slaves found.  See --recursion-method if host redis-master has slaves.
    Not checking slave lag because no slaves were found and --check-slave-lag was not specified.
    Operation, tries, wait:
      copy_rows, 10, 0.25
      create_triggers, 10, 1
      drop_triggers, 10, 1
      swap_tables, 10, 1
      update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
    Altering `sakila`.`test2`...
    Creating new table...
    Created new table sakila._test2_new OK.
    Altering new table...
    Altered `sakila`.`_test2_new` OK.
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Creating triggers...
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Created triggers OK.
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Copying approximately 1 rows...
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Copied rows OK.
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Swapping tables...
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Swapped original and new tables OK.
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Dropping old table...
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Dropped old table `sakila`.`_test2_old` OK.
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Dropping triggers...
    2015-05-27T23:03:22 Dropped triggers OK.
    Successfully altered `sakila`.`test2`.
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 



    mysql> show create table xuanzhiG
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
           Table: xuanzhi
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `xuanzhi` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `code` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
      `age` int(3) DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `code_index` (`code`) USING BTREE
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)
    mysql> select count(*) from xuanzhi;    
    | count(*) |
    |  6862437 |
    1 row in set (0.03 sec)


    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# pt-online-schema-change --alter="add column name char(20) not null default 'man'" --user=root --password=123456 --socket=/data/mysl-5.5.40/mysql.sock  D=sakila,t=xuanzhi --execute                                 
    Operation, tries, wait: copy_rows, 10, 0.25 create_triggers, 10, 1 drop_triggers, 10, 1 swap_tables, 10, 1 update_foreign_keys, 10, 1 Altering `sakila`.`xuanzhi`... Creating new table... Created new table sakila._xuanzhi_new OK. Altering new table... Altered `sakila`.`_xuanzhi_new` OK. 2015-05-28T01:38:44 Creating triggers... 2015-05-28T01:38:44 Created triggers OK. 2015-05-28T01:38:44 Copying approximately 6862437 rows... Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`: 29% 01:13 remain Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`: 51% 00:55 remain Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`: 66% 00:45 remain Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`: 73% 00:43 remain Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`: 78% 00:40 remain Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`: 85% 00:31 remain Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`: 91% 00:20 remain Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`: 95% 00:10 remain 2015-05-28T01:43:07 Copied rows OK. 2015-05-28T01:43:07 Swapping tables... 2015-05-28T01:43:21 Swapped original and new tables OK. 2015-05-28T01:43:21 Dropping old table... 2015-05-28T01:43:21 Dropped old table `sakila`.`_xuanzhi_old` OK. 2015-05-28T01:43:21 Dropping triggers... 2015-05-28T01:43:21 Dropped triggers OK. Successfully altered `sakila`.`xuanzhi`. [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]#



    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# pt-online-schema-change --alter="ADD KEY (name)" --user=root --password=123456 --socket=/data/mysql-5.5.40/mysql.sock  D=sakila,t=xuanzhi --execute
    No slaves found.  See --recursion-method if host redis-master has slaves.
    Not checking slave lag because no slaves were found and --check-slave-lag was not specified.
    Operation, tries, wait:
      copy_rows, 10, 0.25
      create_triggers, 10, 1
      drop_triggers, 10, 1
      swap_tables, 10, 1
      update_foreign_keys, 10, 1
    Altering `sakila`.`xuanzhi`...
    Creating new table...
    Created new table sakila._xuanzhi_new OK.
    Altering new table...
    Altered `sakila`.`_xuanzhi_new` OK.
    2015-05-28T01:53:59 Creating triggers...
    2015-05-28T01:53:59 Created triggers OK.
    2015-05-28T01:53:59 Copying approximately 6862438 rows...
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  15% 02:38 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  30% 02:19 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  42% 02:00 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  52% 01:49 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  60% 01:38 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  67% 01:28 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  72% 01:22 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  77% 01:10 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  83% 00:54 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  88% 00:39 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  93% 00:21 remain
    Copying `sakila`.`xuanzhi`:  99% 00:02 remain
    2015-05-28T02:00:05 Copied rows OK.
    2015-05-28T02:00:05 Swapping tables...
    2015-05-28T02:00:22 Swapped original and new tables OK.
    2015-05-28T02:00:22 Dropping old table...
    2015-05-28T02:00:22 Dropped old table `sakila`.`_xuanzhi_old` OK.
    2015-05-28T02:00:22 Dropping triggers...
    2015-05-28T02:00:22 Dropped triggers OK.
    Successfully altered `sakila`.`xuanzhi`.
    [root@xuanzhi-mysql ~]# 




    mysql> show create table xuanzhiG
    *************************** 1. row ***************************
           Table: xuanzhi
    Create Table: CREATE TABLE `xuanzhi` (
      `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `code` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL,
      `age` int(3) DEFAULT NULL,
      `name` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'man',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `code_index` (`code`) USING BTREE,
      KEY `name` (`name`)
    1 row in set (0.08 sec)


    测试3:测试一下在执行alter table之前有一个大的查询,看是否导致锁等待,这个在MySQL 5.6以及oak-online-alter-table都有这个问题


    mysql> select * from xuanzhi;




    一、如果要在线上进行Online DDL操作,一定要做好数据备份,要考虑数据的大小情况及主从框架中如果从是提供读的,要考虑到延时等问题。


    三、已经执行了大的查询,这时恰好执行ALTER TABLE操作,都会导致锁表,MySQL5.6版本也有这样的情况。

    四、MySQL5.6版本已经支持Online DDL了,这是一个不错的改进。如果对一个大数据表DDL,一般选择避开业务高峰期执行,所以还是要在业务量较低且没有大查询时执行Online DDL






    出处:xuanzhi的博客 http://www.cnblogs.com/xuanzhi201111


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xuanzhi201111/p/4549250.html
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